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Easy ways to increase water intake


How can i drink enough water daily? How to drink more water when you don't like it

Water is very important for our health, glowing skin, digestion, weightloss and so much more. It is very important to take 2-3 litres (8-10 glasses) of water everyday but are you able to achieve this goal everyday?

Tips and tricks to increase your water intake

How to get your body used to drinking more water

Flavour the water

If you don't like drinking alot of water then all you have to do is to add a little flavour in your water. You can add cucumbers, strawberries, ginger, mint leaves, lemon slices to give an extra flavour to your water. This will also work as a detox water and is very good for digestion and is a source of great refreshment. It's healthiest way to drink water.

Keep water everywhere

When water is everytime availaible infront of your sight then you will push yourself to drink water. This will act as a reminder that your body needs water and will be a motivation for you to drink more water.

Empty bottle theory

This habit is for those who travel alot, whether it's for work purpose or anything else. So whenever you go outside keep an empty bottle with yourself and fill it up at work or college. Finish this water before you head back home. This way you make sure that you finish one litre while you are away from home. This habit of yours will bring a great change and you will be able to make drinking water a habit of yourself.

Fancy bottle

This might sound funny but it actually works. This tip is "water bottle to help drink more water". Make sure you buy a cute fancy water bottle that you won't be able to resist drinking water from. Just like you bought a new dress and you can't wait to style it similarly this tip works you won't be able to stop yourself from water intake.


Nowadays you have apps for everything. You can download apps which will make a water drinking schedule for you. It will track your daily water intake and will also remind you to drink water. Isn't it cool so download these apps and increase your water intake.

Tally marks

If you are not a fan of downloading apps for water intake then try tally marking tip. So whenever you drink a glass of water tally mark it so you will be tracking your water intake and your mind will force you to drink more water in order to continue tally marking. Trust me it's all mind games so play with your mind.


Fruits like cucumber, oranges, watermelon contains alot of water and helps in reducing dehydration but this doesn't mean that you won't drink water. Just make a habit of eating fruits and drinking water simultaneously.

Large glass of water

In this tip you have to keep a large glass filled with water always infront of you so it will be challenging and chances are you will finish that water in 10 minutes in the fear of something falling in it. Whenever you finish a glass of water, fill another one and keep it close to you so you will be able to drink more water.

These simple tips and tricks will keep you hydrated and will be a great motivation for you to drink more water.

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